
Jubilee ceremonies 2022

MAPAL honoured 444 employees for their loyalty to the company

MAPAL has honoured 444 employees who have celebrated or are celebrating a work anniversary in the years 2020 to 2022. They have been loyal to the company for ten, 25, 30, 35, 40 or 45 years.

Jubilee ceremonies after the Corona break: Dr. Jochen Kress honoured 444 employees for their loyality to the company.
MAPAL honoured 23 employees for 40 and 45 years of service with the company.  ©MAPAL
Due to Corona, the celebrations had been suspended for two years. Due to the large number of jubilarians, two festive evenings were held in the auditorium of Aalen University. In July, 224 jubilarians already received their ceremonial honours there. Now the second celebration took place, at which Dr. Jochen Kress, President of the MAPAL Group, thanked a further 220 employees for their loyalty and strong commitment to the company. "MAPAL benefits from your commitment and your skills. Only with you, our committed employees, can we achieve our goals," Kress emphasised. 

Insight into the current developments

The President gave the jubilarians an insight into the current developments at MAPAL. In the past three years, the company has been exposed to strong influences, said Kress, mentioning the decline in production in the automotive industry in connection with the semiconductor crisis, followed by Brexit, the Covid pandemic, disrupted supply chains and the shortage of skilled workers. Other challenges, such as the impact of the war in Ukraine, inflation and climate change, would be added. "The world has changed a lot and we have set out to deal with these crises," Kress said. Through a stability programme and various initiatives, he said MAPAL has managed to secure liquidity, albeit with some painful cuts. 

Successful business year

"We have used this phase to reposition ourselves," said Kress. MAPAL is committed to driving forward its involvement in focus industries such as e-mobility, aviation, tool and mould making and general mechanical engineering. To this end, product and market segment management has been introduced and various initiatives launched. MAPAL is investing in new products and the expansion of brand trading, the company has opened a web shop and achieved improvements in delivery reliability and stock availability. These efforts are beginning to show results, Kress summed up: "MAPAL finished 2021 well and the first half of 2022 went decently, despite all the uncertainties we perceive." However, he said it was difficult to make a prediction for developments in the next one to two years. "How strongly inflation and the war in Ukraine will affect the economy is difficult to assess at the moment," Kress says. Positive signals are coming from the automotive and aerospace industries, the order books of the companies are full. In the coming months, MAPAL will continue to work consistently and with high intensity to be successful at all levels. 

New structures

In this context, those responsible have also adapted the organisational structures. With Dr. Karin Jenuwein as the new CHRO, MAPAL is anchoring personnel management at the highest level. A sign of appreciation to the employees, "for the same reason that we are celebrating and honouring you, our anniversaries, today", affirmed Kress. 

Congratulations from the Works Council and the First Mayor of Aalen

Works Council Chairman Uwe Homann congratulated the jubilarians on behalf of the works council and the staff. In their long years of service, the colleagues had mastered many challenges of change, Homann said: "They have shown that they can handle change very well and that everyone is there for the others."

Wolfgang Steidle, First Mayor, brought greetings from Lord Mayor Frederick Brütting and the municipal council. Steidle said the town was proud of MAPAL's long-serving employees, "who carry the company a long way." 

Awards from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the State of Baden-Württemberg were presented for 40 years of service to Günter Fröhlich, Hans-Joachim Bosser, Martin Kurz, Martin Kopp, Ottmar Fuchs, Stefan Steudle, Thomas Fischböck, Martin Häfele, Dieter Kolb, Manfred Kuhn, Thomas Mattburger, Anton Müller, Guido Ruf, Eugen Sturm, Siegfried Wendel, Franz Schuster, Thomas Seibold, Harald Wiedenhöfer, Bernd Apprich.
Martin Weiss, Wolfgang Siebold, Alfred Müller and Ferdinand Sauter were honoured for 45 years of loyalty.

Kathrin Rehor, PR Project Manager at MAPAL


Kathrin Rehor Public Relations Kathrin.Rehor@mapal.com Phone: +49 7361 585 3342

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